LPWML - apitherapy ecoproduct
Knowledge about the extraordinary therapeutic qualities of tincture from the products of wax moth larvae has for centuries remained the property of a very narrow circle of people: beekeepers and healers
Apitherapy (from Latin apis "bee" and Greek θερᾰπεία "therapy") is a field of alternative medicine - the use of bees and bee products, long known in traditional medicine, for therapeutic purposes. The term "apitherapy" is absent in medicine and is not used in science.
LPWML is a natural raw material that is biocompatible, safe and has no restrictions in use and includes a huge number of highly active components necessary for human life:
◦ Up to two dozen amino acids. Half of them are not synthesized by the body.
◦ A special kind of digestive enzymes - lipase and cerase.
◦ High molecular weight protein fractions.
◦ Nucleic and amino butyric acids.
◦ Serotonin and lipids.
◦ A group of vitamins.
Due to the fact that drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry have side effects on the body, science turned to the search for alternative solutions in the field of medicine and biology.
It has been found that taking the tincture is indicated in:
◦ treatment to prevent viral, inflammatory and colds (lysine, riboflavin);
◦ pathology of the nervous system (stroke, Alzheimer's disease, neuritis, paralysis, dementia, brain hernias, etc.);
◦ diseases of the heart and blood vessels (myocardial infarction, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, angina pectoris, etc.);
◦ diseases of the respiratory system (inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy, asthma, tuberculosis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.);
◦ diseases of the liver (jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.);
◦ pancreatic diseases (cancer, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis);
◦ pathologies of the vascular system (varicosis, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis);
◦ joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis);
◦ skin diseases (rosacea, eczema, trophic ulcers, demodecosis, skin cancer);
◦ gynecological pathologies (adnexitis, anemia, infertility, placental insufficiency, etc.).
Due to such a diverse composition, the beneficial properties of wax larvae are manifested in the following:
◦ the body's immune forces are strengthened;
◦ the level of endurance is increased;
◦ resistance to various infectious agents is increased;
◦ has a positive effect on the nerve, heart and vascular systems;
◦ fatigue is relieved;
◦ improves the quality of sleep;
◦ increases the ability to work;
◦ normalizes blood pressure as well as blood sugar levels;
◦ a therapeutic effect is achieved in the development of atherosclerosis;
◦ improves and accelerates the resorption of scars;
◦ improves blood circulation, which prevents blood clots;
◦ pathogenic bacterial and viral microorganisms are inhibited.
The therapeutic properties of wax moth extract are due to the products that it absorbs in the larval phase. Everything about the wax moth can be learned by studying the composition of the active substances.
The following bioactive substances are isolated from the larvae:
◦ proteins;
◦ peptides;
◦ acetylcholine and serotonin;
◦ serine protease;
◦ free amino acids;
◦ mono- and disaccharides;
◦ low molecular weight growth-stimulating factor;
◦ low molecular weight aromatic compounds;
◦ carbohydrates;
◦ fatty acids;
◦ metal ions, etc.
Wax moths contain protein-peptide complexes that have an inhibitory effect on the growth of Gram-negative bacteria. These complexes of different molecular weight are able to penetrate into the cells of pathogenic microorganisms and inhibit the processes occurring in it. Wax moth inhibits the growth of hemolytic bacteria, some Gram-positive microorganisms that cause toxicoinfections.
Despite the extensive list of therapeutic possibilities and assurances of healers about the safety of the drug and the absence of side effects, you should not engage in self-appointment. No family doctor will not make a scheme of therapy, since LPWML is not included in any protocol for the treatment of diseases. Only an experienced apitherapist on the basis of diagnostic studies and the clinic of the disease, is able to give individual recommendations on the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment.
Research work has revealed the wax moth has only an effective complex of biological substances. Each of them has high therapeutic potential. It is a mystery how the organism of a particular patient will react to their complex effects in a particular disease.